Ranking: #26


Shipium helps retailers, brands, and Third Party Logistics providers deliver their orders fast, free, and on time with the first enterprise shipping platform for e-commerce. 


Series A


Insight Partners, Trilogy, PSL, Good Friends, Tapas Capital 

Meet the Founders

Workplace Culture


Workplace Culture 🎉

  • Fully-remote

    1. Connected: Based on feedback from employee surveys, we know employees feel a true sense of belonging and are highly engaged at Shipium, and due to this are comfortable sharing ideas and perspectives that help us to continually evolve to be better.

    2. Autonomous: Employees are empowered and encouraged to make decisions in real-time, and the company supports their success by ensuring they have the right tools, team, and training to feel confident in making those decisions.

    3. Motivating: Because of the room to work independently & the feeling of being connected, people believe in what we’re building and are excited to be in a position to directly contribute, no matter their role. Teams are driving towards the same goals, and work together to make this happen while understanding the importance of every person at the org. It’s an exciting time to work at Shipium! 

  • Open door policy & availability - even though they have busy schedules, our leadership team makes time for employees; all feedback is acknowledged and taken seriously, and conversations around improvements, recommendations, and suggestions are worked through in efforts to better the company & culture; and truly living the company values: Enabling Scrappy Decisions, Demonstrating Industry Credibility, Working with Conviction & Sincerity, and Elevating the Ecomm Experience. 

  • There are several main ways in which employees are recognized & rewarded - the first is that HR and the leadership team hold quarterly employee reviews in which “key” employees are discussed. These meetings lead to further discussion on how to recognize these employees based on their career and growth plans, business need, and personal motivations. Some will be reviewed for future promotion, potential adjustments to either salary or equity, or for a stipend for L&D initiatives pertinent to their role and/or org.   The second is that every quarter, managers nominate employees who exemplify one (or more) of the Shipium core values. Based on the number of votes and cross-functional impact, one employee is selected to be the “Star Employee” of the quarter. They receive public recognition at the company All-Hands meeting, direct praise and acknowledgement from Human Resources, and gift options to recognize their impact to the company.   The other main tool is peer-based public positive feedback via Lattice, which automatically posts to a company Slack channel for visibility. Employees are encouraged to call out team members that have made a contribution or impact, provide some details and assign a company value to the public praise. This is very impactful as a remote organization, because it provides context and insight to other members of management & leadership that may not directly work with the people receiving the acknowledgement, which is coming directly from coworkers. 


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